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Evening Sun

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Yesterday was a lucky day - my first Minolta lense, the famous 35-70/4 from 1985, came to life again. It was broken and I found a splendid guy who repaired it for me.
This shot came in the evening up when testing this amazingly sharp lense on my Dynax... and again I had to process Birgit in b&w.
Those of you who like to look "behind the curtains" can find the original image in the Digital Darkroom Secret.

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Publishing date: 06.06.2007 08:03:00

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Capture Date: 05.06.2007 19:58:31
1/40 sec, f 5.6, 70 mm (x1.5)
ISO: 100, Flash: Not Fired


Page loading time: 4.698 sec.
This image is tagged with: black_white children processed

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