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Playing with a Butterfly

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I am a little bit upset today :-(
I bought a 50mm Macro lense, used of course, old but good and highly recommended, this was on Sunday. Wednesday the seller told me it was on its way so I hoped yesterday and strongly believed in its arrival today. And now? NOTHING! Shame on the postal service, now I have to wait for tuesday!

I didn't prepare any photos for today because I was sure I could show you the first one with the new macro lense. So I'll show you a macro shot I took with the ordinary 24-85 a few days ago...
And bored from waiting I played around with it. Processed it in b&w inspired by CushmoK, putted a colour selection layer on it...
I prefer the strict b&w version, thats why the colour selection is hidden in the DIGITAL DARKROOM SECRET. Tell me which you like more!

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Publishing date: 04.08.2007 20:00:32

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Capture Date: 13.07.2007 15:10:46
1/125 sec, f 16, 70 mm (x1.5)
ISO: 100, Flash: Fired


Page loading time: 4.684 sec.
This image is tagged with: black_white insect macro processed

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